Friday 20 September 2013

Swede Research

As part of our swede research of our opening sequence of our film, we were asked to survey a small group of people from 16- 18 years old about the preferences. The survey showed:
How often do you go to the cinema to watch a movie?
- The answers were once a month and twice a month. We have once a month being the most of 80%.
What Genre do you like?
 - We had a range from Comedy, Drama, Action, Adventure and Action and the percentage of people of each genre was about the same.
How much do you roughly spend on watching movies?
- We had 100% saying they roughly spend about £7 per movie.
Do you stream movies online?
- We had 100% saying they stream (or have streamed) movies on online.
Thoughts about streaming movies online?
- There was 60% people saying they don't care and it is nothing to them. There was 20% of people saying they don't care and 20% saying they are good.  

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