Wednesday 4 December 2013

Preliminary Sequence Evaluation

What you thought went well?
I thought the shots and editing went quite well. The shots were clear and the range of different shots used made it look interesting and fascinating to audience. The cuts was just on point, for example the match on action was correctly done. We have also made sure we didn't break the 180° rule while filming over shoulder shots and others. The lighting was also good because we used natural lighting therefore everything in the shot that's meant to be seen was seen very clearly seen since it is bright. 

Some of the criticisms from our classmate is that the the sequence need to have continuity  since we have filmed the first part on a normal, sunny day and the second part on a rainy and dull day. Another criticism is that the tracking shot of Katie walking is too long and could be cut shorter or use effects like fading to help make it shorter. 

Do you agree with the criticisms or not?
I totally agree with the criticisms we got back from them because those were the things we noticed was done wrong while editing but we didn't have time to re-film and fix it. I think this is something that we need to focus on when doing our actual opening sequence and make sure they are done to the highest standard. 

Organisation - time keeping, planning etc. 
I thought our organisation for this pre-lim sequence went quite well since we only had less than 1 hour to finish the storyboard and script. We did not finish everything during that one hour planning. What we did was while filming, we were planning on the spot for the sequence, the shots we are going to use, and how to improve some of the shots we already shot. For example, at the very beginning we used skateboard to track the shot of Lucy's feet walking but we realised the background sound from the skateboard was too loud and it is very shaky therefore we thought of using other props like a box lid and strings instead to improve it.   

How to Improve? 
I think we could improve by making sure we have the continuity of the sequence - the clothes the actors were wearing, the weather, the lighting, the way they have their and others. We could also use a external microphone to block off all the unwanted sounds like the sound of the wind, etc. We could also use a higher quality camera to improve the quality and colours of the film. 

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